Does your website need a spring clean?

Did you know that not updating your website regularly can not only mean that it’s not working as well as it should for your visitors, but can also leave it open to security threats and even affect your search engine rankings?
How to make your website faster, better and improve your SEO

Did you know that not updating your website regularly can not only mean that it’s not working as well as it should for your visitors, but can also leave it open to security threats and even affect your search engine rankings?

Unfortunately, keeping your website updated isn’t always as easy as it should be and even if you know what you’re doing, all too often tweaking one aspect can have unexpected consequences elsewhere.

For just £150 I will –

  • Check that any themes you are currently using have the latest version installed and/or update if not
  • Ensure that all plug-ins and software are up to date and working as they should
  • Remove any plug-ins which are no longer required and/or may be affecting the performance of the site
  • Check for any inconsistences in the visual appearance of the site eg. fonts, colours, alignment of text/images etc. (all of which can subtly affect the visitor’s overall impression of your business) and either fix or provide recommendations for doing so
  • Assess the overall user experience on your site and provide a written report with any suggestions for improvement
  • With your permission, prior to completing all of the above, I will also take a back-up of your site and thoroughly test any changes before implementing them on the live site. This will ensure that there is minimal interruption to your online business and also means that in the unlikely event that you are not happy with any of the changes, the original site can always be restored.


Why not contact me to discuss further?